Dirty Secrets

“Dirty Secrets: The Truth About Toilets” is a fictional exhibit exposing the truth behind our potties — for both advocacy and entertainment.

The front entrance to the exhibit “Dirty Secrets: The Truth About Toilets.”

Exhibit Teaser

Have you ever imagined your life without a toilet? Think about it. Where would you do your doo?! Well, for 2.5 billion people, access to potties is a privilege, and not having a toilet can mean disease or even death. Visit Dirty Secrets, a traveling exhibit that explores the history, culture, and sanitation issues of our beloved toilets.


A concept exhibition project for my undergraduate portfolio at Syracuse University. After *deeply* reflecting on the stigma and embarrassment that comes with pooping in public spaces, I discovered World Toilet Day. World Toilet Day is established by the UN as an international observance day to inspire and educate others on global sanitation issues. Dirty Secrets became a fun outlet for me to take my research and turn it into a concept for education, amusement, and advocacy. 

Lead Designer

Focus Areas
Exhibit Design
Creative Direction
Mixed Media

Fall 2015 - Spring 2016

Designing the Experience


Starting the research process was honestly overwhelming at first. There was a TON of information out there and a lot of facts to distill. I walked in knowing little to nothing about toilets, but left with more information than I could showcase in one exhibit. In order to make the process easier, I compartmentalized my research into broad themes and categories. These categories of my research became the main topics within the exhibit, which later helped me lay out the exhibit flow.

A visual collage of the exhibit’s initial research phases including research topics and findings.

Using the research, real content was written for the exhibit placards.


The goal of this project was to make the exhibit informative and engaging. It was also a way to start conversation and raise awareness to global sanitation issues. From my research, I began to ideate interactive ways to learn about the topics and themes I distilled. My goal was to mix physical and digital experiences together in order to create a fun, memorable, and accessible experience.

Images of mindmaps and “thought dumps” from the ideation phase.

Mind maps and lists were made to help ideate the interactive elements and activities in the exhibit.

Sketching and Prototyping

Sketches and prototypes were designed to test out ideas. Scale models were used to determine the dimensions and measurements of every element in the exhibit.

An older version of the exhibit layouts and visual direction.

An older version of the exhibit layouts and visual direction.

Sketches of the current exhibit layout and elements in the exhibit.

Sketches of the current exhibit layout and elements in the exhibit.

Refining the Experience

After months of my researching and prototyping, the circular flow of the final design allows guests to enter an experience where they can learn more about toilets and the global sanitation crisis.

An angled view of the entrance to the exhibit “Dirty Secrets: The Truth About Toilets.”

The image shows the front entrance of the exhibit "Dirty Secrets: The Truth About Toilets”. A watery neon sign welcomes guests into the experience.

The curved entry hallway to the “Dirty Secrets” exhibit. It showcases the exhibit overview and the historical timeline of the first toilets.

The exhibit was constructed around a curved path to replicate the motion of water in a toilet. Around the inside “basin,” guests can learn more about the history of toilets and even try sitting on ancient replicas.

A section of the exhibit with a replica of an Ancient Roman toilet which lets guests experience the feel of an ancient toilet.

A replica of an Ancient Roman toilet which lets guests experience the feel of an ancient toilet. A few other replicas from around the world are also provided, and timelines and historical facts are outlined with brief descriptions and audio.

The center of the exhibit that lets guests learn and engage with present and future toilet designs, as well as create their own digital toilet creations.

In the center of the exhibit, guests are able to learn and engage with present and future toilet designs, as well as create their own digital toilet creations.

The final section of the exhibit which shows three interactive screens that lets guests discover and learn ways they can help the global sanitation crisis.

By following the flow of the exhibit wayfinding, the last piece of information that guests are left with is a better understanding of the global sanitation crisis. Three interactive screens depict practical ideas and existing projects. The goal is to leave guests feeling empowered to take waste matters into their own hands.

Taking the Experience Home

Exhibit Takeaways

Guests can buy souvenirs from the exhibit that have both practical and fun purposes. Proceeds of the profit go to support global sanitation issues around the world.

A collection of exhibit souvenirs whose profits go to support global sanitation issues around the world.